Silkscreen Printing on Canvas

Введение: шелкография на холсте

Using Silkscreen frames is a common method of screen printing.

In this intractable I was explain how to use silkscreen methods to print on canvas that has already been stretched.

Materials needed:

SilkScreen Frame




Pre stretched Canvas

Шаг 1: нанесение покрытия на шелкографию

Before we begin printing, we have to have a screen to use to expose the layer being printed.

Here are images of SilkScreens and emulsion that can work for this process.

The white screen is designed for printmaking on t-shirts and the yellow screen is for standard paper. (you can use any type of screen to do this successfully.)

Take your emulsion and fill a trough with it.

Once you have your trough filled with emulsion, you are ready to coat your screen with emulsion.

After you coat your screen with emulsion let it dry in a dark area for four hours.

Шаг 2: Где изображение?

When exposing an image onto a screen, one must think of images as layers.

Printing on acetate preserves the shape of an image. If you want to just print a basic shape you could simply cut a piece paper into the shape that you wish to expose on your screen.

This is a mid-tone of an image I found online. I used a printer to print this image on clear paper (acetate).

Шаг 3: экспонирование вашего изображения

After you have the image you want to expose place the image and the screen on an exposure unit.

For more information on exposure units watch this video to see how they work and learn how to make an affordable one.

Шаг 4. Вымойте экран.

After you expose you screen with the image of your choice, wash it out with water. After washing your screen out with water you will be able to see your image on the screen.

After you are able to see your image on the screen, wait fifteen minutes for it to dry. Keeping your screen dry before you begin to print on it is key to being able to control the ink.

Шаг 5: Волшебный момент.

Now we're ready to print our image!

When using a stretched canvas this step is crucial for your success.

Place your screen on top of your canvas and clamp the canvas and screen down together. This will make it so your canvas and screen are connected together and sturdy.

Шаг 6: Великий потоп и притяжение

After you have your screen and canvas clamped together it is time print the image on the surface.

Select an ink that you would like to use. Flood the top portion of your screen with a bead of ink.

Use a squeegee to spread the ink over your image.

Pull the squeegee from the top of your screen to the bottom of the image. This should be one seamless pull so the ink is distributed equally.

Шаг 7: УСПЕХ.

After you have printed on your canvas let it dry for 20 minutes.

You will now be ready to add more layers if desired. I usually print from dark to light because if I make a mistake, the lighter layers that proceed the darkest layers will be able to cover any errors I've made.

Here is a video on more information on printmaking if your are new to it!