Make your very own fog juice that is cheap and very effective!
All you need is a few things.
• Distilled Water
• Glycerin
• Container (empty bottle)
• Fog Machine
• Measuring Cup
Distilled means that there are no minerals in the water. Those minerals build up in small pipes and tubes, such as in a fog machine.
Please buy distilled water for this.
Very Thick Smoke:
30% Glycerin | 70% Water
Thick Smoke:
20% Glycerin | 80% Water
Less Thick Smoke:
15% Glycerin | 85% Water
Store your final solution into an empty, clean container. Make sure to store all unused fog juice is stored properly. Keeping fog juice in the fog machine can also cause impurities to grow in it, ruining it and potentially the machine.
Participated in the
Halloween Decorations Contest